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Meet the Safeguarding Team

The safeguarding team work together to keep all pupils safe. We work closely with families, pupils, staff and outside agencies.

Teaching children how to keep themselves safe is an integral part of our curriculum and whole school approach. The above curriculum overview illustrates how and when we teach children about different aspects of safeguarding including how to keep safe online, our pants are private, identity, mental health and wellbeing as well as physical safety.

Useful Information for Parents/Carers

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership enabling support for children and young people who are experiencing domestic abuse.

In the event of a domestic abuse incident, school receive a notification from the police which enables us to provide appropriate support for pupils and families. Please see below for further information.


Do you have concerns about a child?

Everyone has a responsibility to safeguard children. If you have concerns regarding a child, please speak to a member of our safeguarding team. If you have immediate significant concerns about a child, please call the police on 999. If you believe the situation is urgent but does not require the police you can call 03001312131  to make a referral.Please ask for Children's Social Care. Further information can be found here:

