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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Funding

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was first introduced by the UK Government in April 2011 as additional funding to enable schools to target resources more effectively for those children who are most disadvantaged. The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is allocated to schools to help improve education outcomes and close the achievement gap between those children who are most disadvantaged and their peers.


It is awarded for children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years, who have been adopted from care (AFC) or who have left care or who are looked after by the local authority (CLA). In addition to this, children whose parents who are serving in HM Forces or have retired on a pension from the Ministry of Defence are entitled to Service Pupil Premium.


It is for schools to decide how best to use Pupil Premium funding in order to help close the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers.


At Thorpe Willoughby Community Primary School, our overall aim is to use the Pupil Premium Grant to provide equal opportunities and narrow academic attainment gaps. It is our role to ensure we allocate and spend this funding effectively and responsibly in order to have an impact on the progress of these pupils. The school’s Governing Body also evaluates the impact of the funding allocations after receiving a report on pupil progress and Pupil Premium spending through their various committee and Full Governing Body meetings.


At Thorpe Willoughby CP School, we are committed to helping every child and their family achieve their very best.

We use this premium in a number of ways:

  • To invest in high quality teaching and learning (including staff professional development)
  • To provide targeted academic support focused on their specific needs (including tutoring)
  • To ensure all disadvantaged children have equal access to enhanced educational experiences and wider opportunities
  • To support wider approaches for non-academic barriers such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional pastoral support

