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PSHE & Citizenship Curriculum Design

I believe we all have a journey. I was once a small girl from Sheffield, dealing with bullies and normal teenage insecurities, but I always believed. And when you do that, life can get unbelievable.  

Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill


At Thorpe Willoughby, we believe that Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE Education) and Citizenship is an important and vital part of our children’s education and development. We understand the needs of our children and have designed a curriculum to provide meaningful opportunities for children to learn about their roles and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. We understand and value our school community and have designed a relevant and culturally aware curriculum to reflect this.


We intend that our curriculum is meaningful and purposeful by teaching children about a wide range of topics using 7 key themes: Families and Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, Citizenship, Wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Economic Well Being. An additional theme we focus on is ‘Transition’ in the summer term. Through these key themes, we aim that children develop a genuine sense of self-worth and support children in understanding how they can contribute to school life and their wider and global community. 


Our aim is to ensure that our PSHE Curriculum is accessible to all in order to maximise outcomes for every child.  We teach children to know more, remember and understand more about themselves and the world around them. We will provide opportunities for pupils to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future. Our PSHE Curriculum is designed to equip children with an understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. 


We have intentionally designed our half-termly curriculum themes to actively support and promote the teaching of PSHE throughout our 2 year curriculum cycle. Specific themes have been designed to offer an increased focus on PSHE, SMSC & British Values. For Example, our theme ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind’ focuses on both physical and mental well-being.  


In addition, our PSHE Curriculum design offers all children to develop spiritually, morally, socially & culturally (SMSC) across the whole curriculum and school life. We value the importance of capturing children’s voices and giving children the opportunity to influence their own decisions.  We aim to help children understand how they are developing personally and socially within our diverse society and tackle moral, social and cultural issues that are all part of growing up. 


We intend that our PSHE curriculum demonstrates and celebrates our school values, giving our children opportunities to live and practise these 6 values. We intend that children will explore the British Values and how they can apply these to contribute positively to society. This curriculum design is intentional to allow children to think about the kind of people they aspire to be and the kind of world we aspire to create.


What PSHE Looks Like at Thorpe Willoughby

At Thorpe Willoughby, we use the Kapow Primary scheme to ensure we are teaching in line with the Primary National Curriculum and England statutory content (Relationships Education in Key Stages 1 & 2 and Health Education in Key Stages 1 & 2). This scheme supports the teaching and learning of PSHE to develop the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. All children are taught the seven themes from EYFS through to Year 6.  These themes are: Families and Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, Citizenship, Wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Economic Well Being, Transition.


At Thorpe Willoughby, we also use the DfE grant-funded PSHE Association to support the development of our PSHE Curriculum design. We have also considered the teaching and learning of British Values and how these can support children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) growth and development


Within our PSHE Curriculum, we ensure:

  • Children are taught appropriate Relationships Education and Health Education which will provide key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships. 
  • Children recognise the British Values and how these can support their PSHE Education and personal development.
  • In Key Stages 1 & 2, seven key themes: Families and Relationships, Health and Wellbeing, Citizenship, Wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Economic Well Being, Transition are taught throughout each academic year and fully embedded within our half-termly themes.
  • ‘Picture News’ features regularly within our PSHE Curriculum to offer children opportunities to openly discuss and debate current and global affairs whilst appreciating the views of others.
  • All children learn about how to keep themselves safe, including online.
  • All children understand how to live and lead healthy lifestyles to maintain physical and mental well-being.
  • Children will gain confidence and skills to actively speak freely about their emotions, thoughts and values. 
  • Children will recognise the importance of asking for help and support when needed.
  • Children participate positively in key events such as Anti-Bullying week and NSPCC campaigns.

PSHE - Whole School Overview
